How to Add Alerts


  • Select “Alerts” on the Dashboard or click the “Alert” icon Screen Shot 2015-10-20 at 12.40.22 PM on the Navigation Bar.
    • You can also access an Alerts Calendar specific to a particular warranty item by selecting “Alerts” from the dropdown Menu on the Maintenance History page for that warranty item.
  • You will be redirected to the Alerts Calendar, which will allow you to add, update, and remove alerts.
    • There is a gray information box to the right of the Alerts Calendar that contains helpful tips about adding an alert.

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  • To add an alert, hover your cursor over the day in which you would like to add an alert and click on that day.
  • This form will pop up:

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  • This will allow you to add a Description, the Alert Date, attach it to an existing Warranty Item, and set up Recurring Alerts.
    • To set the alert date, click on the text box. You can either type in the date, or select it from the calendar that will pop up.
    • To attach this alert to an existing warranty item, select the warranty item using the dropdown menu.
      • If you do not want the alert attached to a warranty item, select “None”.
    • To create a recurring alert, check the “Recurring” box. Then use the “Alert Interval” dropdown menu to select the interval at which you want the alert to recur.


Alert Types:

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 1.55.48 PM– An alert that has not yet been sent out.

  • An Active Alert may have recurring Instance Alerts attached to it. If so, the Active Alert acts as the “parent alert,” and is the alert that all of its recurring Instance Alerts are based on.

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 1.56.33 PM– A recurring alert that is attached to a parent Active Alert.

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 1.57.35 PM– An email alert has already been sent to remind the user about the alert.

  • When a recurring Active Alert becomes retired, the next subsequent Instance Alert becomes the new Active Alert for that thread of recurring alerts.

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 1.58.33 PM– The Maintenance Activity has been marked with a “Complete” status on the Maintenance History page.


  • To edit or delete an Active or Instance Alert, click on the alert on the calendar. You can edit any field.
    • If you change the date or description of an Instance Alert, it will only change the date or description for that specific alert.
      • This will have no effect on other Instance Alerts or the parent Active Alert.
    • If you change the date or description of an Active Alert with recurring Instance Alerts attached to it, the date or description will only change for that specific alert, having no effect on the Instance Alerts.
    • If you change the Warranty Item associated with an Active Alert that has Instance Alerts attached to it, all Instance Alerts will also be affected by this change.
    • To update the alert, click “Update Alert”.
    • To delete the alert, click “Delete”.
      • If you delete an Active Alert with recurring Instance Alerts attached to it, all attached Instance Alerts will also be deleted.
      • If you uncheck the “Recurring” box of an Active Alert with recurring Instance Alerts attached to it, all attached Instance Alerts will be deleted.
    • An email alert will be sent to you on the date you set the alert for.
      • This email will remind you of the alert you previously set for this date.
      • If the alert is attached to a Warranty Item, this will automatically create a new Maintenance Activity. The email will contain a link you can click on to access your maintenance activities for that warranty item.
        • You can then add information under Total Cost, Completed Date, and Completed By, and change the Status as needed.
        • Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 1.48.35 PM A black bell icon will appear next to the Status of your newly created maintenance activity, indicating that it was created by an alert.

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  • Once an email alert has been sent, the alert on the calendar will appear as a “Retired Alert,” which is indicated by a black border around the text.